Former President Bill Clinton stands on stage with his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton, during Clinton Global Initiative meeting on Sep. 22, 2011 in New York.
With longtime Clinton confidant Terry McAuliffe set to move into the Virginia governor’s mansion and former Clinton aide Bill de Blasio soon to become Mayor of New York, the power and influence of the Clintons is as high as it’s been since Bill had access to the nuclear launch codes. But having governors and mayors for friends isn’t the only sign of the great and growing influence of the Clintons. Here are eight more signs that America’s former first family is at the top of its game.
$15,000: Cash Hillary pulled in, per plate, at a recent fundraiser for Terry McAuliffe in Beverly Hills. McAuliffe’s fundraising success is largely a reflection of Clinton fundraising prowess. By the end of September in no campaign fundraising-limit Virginia, McAuliffe had hauled in $24.7 million compared to his opponent’s $16.7 million.
$1 million: Raised by Hillary Clinton at a one-night fundraiser for Bill de Blasio, who managed her successful 2000 campaign for Senate. That relationship is reported to have ended on icy terms but a cool million is enough to warm relations between any estranged friends.
1,277,711+: People who follow Bill Clinton on Twitter as of this writing (they keep going up). Hillary is no slouch either, with 904,068+ minions of her own. Interestingly, the only non-family member among the 10 people Bill follows is Stephen Colbert, which…well, should we be on the lookout for another candidate Colbert?
$106 million: Money Bill Clinton has made on the speaker circuit since leaving office, as of January 2013. In 2012 alone he pulled in $17 million, up from the $13.4 million he earned in 2011. Not to be outdone, Hillary took home $200,000 a pop—reportedly her minimum speaking fee—for two speeches delivered at Goldman Sachs events in October.
44:58: Length in minutes of Bill Clinton’s speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Compare that to Michelle Obama’s 19:10 talk and the 35:45 speech delivered by Barack Obama (who was at the time, it is worth noting, the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES). True, there’s a grandpa-telling-tales-again factor at work here but let’s see any other living politician take the mic at the DNC and basically just riff indefinitely until he gets bored.
112: Countries visited by Hillary Clinton during her record-setting tenure as Secretary of State. That’s more than any previous Secretary of State in American history. The airline miles alone must wield some serious swagger.
2.5 million: Email addresses estimated in Hillary Clinton’s campaign list. Though now aged a bit, Hillary’s campaign email database once commanded $4.7 million over just three months in 2009, being rented out and sold to other Democratic causes, like EMILY’s List, looking to cash in on her army of supporters.
5: Donors who have given more than $25 million to the Clinton Foundation. Another 12 have given donations of at least $10 million. That’s some serious change.