As the architect of the Common Core State Standards, David Coleman has shown us what this country can accomplish when our leaders work together. An unprecedented initiative that drew on the expertise of teachers, parents, administrators and researchers, the Common Core defines a set of learning goals in literacy and mathematics for students from kindergarten through 12th grade. As of this year, 45 states have put aside their differences to adopt these higher standards — standards that will help ensure that every high school graduate possesses the skills necessary to succeed in college and career.
This sort of collaboration requires leadership. David worked hard to bring together leaders from both parties, including Democratic governor John Hickenlooper of Colorado, a champion of education reform, who told me, “David’s leadership has been pivotal.”
When I was governor of Florida, our partnership with the College Board helped close the student-achievement gap. David’s new role as president of the College Board is great news for our country. He is the kind of leader who gives me hope for the future.
Bush was the governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007 and is the chairman of the Foundation for Excellence in Education